
Hi there all! Follow me on my photo taking adventures by coming into my blog and viewing my latest work. I am having so much fun and am loving what I am doing and cant wait to share it with you all. So enjoy!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Our little fighter, Joshua Hayden Armand.

Joshua Hayden Armand was born on the 30th June 2011 weighing in at 1.2kg's. His date of birth was supposed to have been the 2nd of September only and so you can imagine the shock when he arrived a whole 9 weeks early. We were down in Johannesburg for my regular monthly check up and to book the hospital. It was thursday the 30th and we had just confirmed our hospital space, walked across to my gynaes office and were busy with our scan. I mentioned to the doctor I hadnt felt him move for a while whereas before he was active and I was worried. Baby Joshua didn't move much during the scan either so the doctor decided to put us on a stress test to ascertain whether there was anything to worry about. It was whilst on this test we saw Joshuas little heart was failing, his growth was retarding an he wasn't going to be around for much longer. "We need to get the baby out as soon as possible." the doctor said to me and all I could say was please just make sure he is ok. I don't care how its done just make sure he is ok. The Gynae said it was likely we would need to operate the next morning at the latest.

I was sent across to the hospital where I was put on another stress test. The nurse didnt waste any time, she said I had to go in then as the baby was fading. I was in the operating room within the hour after many tears. The hardest part was when one of the nurses from ICU came to give me the 'talk', telling me they cant guarantee he would be alright, and that the chances were I wouldnt hear any cry when he came out. That was when I just broke down.

Mark was in with me during the C-section and that was very comforting knowing he would stay with Joshua. When Joshua came out I didnt hear any cry or get to see his face. He was worked on, incubated and rushed through to the ICU. I was wheeled back to the room and waited for Mark to come tell me how my baby was. He came through and told me Joshua was beautiful, was hooked up to all the machine and was doing alright. I was onlt allowed to go and see him once the spinal block had worn off and I made sure I got rid of the numbness as soon as possible! Two hours late I was wheeled in and got to hold my babys hand. It was a magical feeling knowing we had made such a perfect little man and he was a combination of Mark and I. I couldnt have asked for a more perfect miracle.

There were many ups and downs in those six weeks he was in hospital, but we had so much support and just had to look at him and know that everything would be ok, we could deal with anything as long as he held on and made it through.

Joshua is a true hero, a little fighter who never gave up. I think he could feel all the love that was being sent his way and the prayers were heard and answered. He made some very special friends during his ICU stay and the staff were fantastic. They all took a personal interest in him as well as us, making us really feel a part of the ICU family.

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