
Hi there all! Follow me on my photo taking adventures by coming into my blog and viewing my latest work. I am having so much fun and am loving what I am doing and cant wait to share it with you all. So enjoy!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Baby Carter, or "little Berry" :)

Recently I was asked to do some photos of little Carter Allberry. He is close on two months old already and time flies by, so his mom and dad wanted special memories of this time whilst he is still small. He likes his wrap, dummy and especially a cool breeze. He lay on the blanket cooing away, singing for his supper every time the breeze blew. He even had a smile saved just for his mommy when she gave him an eskimo kiss. What a cutie pie.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Megan & Dean, full of beans!

This week I did a shoot with Megs & Dean who were full of energy! Can you see the mischief in Deans eyes!? He didn't stop running from the start to finish. Megan, such a little lady, tried to calm him down, to no avail :) Here are a few shots from our session... 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Smiles, sand and suckers :) The Pumfreys.

I did an anti-rain dance the morning of the Pumfreys shoot as I was so looking forward to it and the heavy clouds, wind and drizzle were moving in. About a half hour before, the skies cleared and the sun peeped through. What a beautiful day it turned out to be and such a lovely family! Here are a couple of photos from our shoot together...