
Hi there all! Follow me on my photo taking adventures by coming into my blog and viewing my latest work. I am having so much fun and am loving what I am doing and cant wait to share it with you all. So enjoy!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Dean & Danielle. In love and at home.

I had such a great time photographing these two. Their love was evident and bubbling over and their enthusiasm was contagious. We did the shoot out at their farm, a beautiful sprawling home with some willing participants, horses, geese etc. Here is a look in...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Andy & Karen, guest starring Heavenly Landing.

Sharing these pics really makes my heart soar. Karen, my sister in law, just got engaged to her sweetheart Andy and they truly are a great match. They compliment one another perfectly and love to have a laugh. 
Andys passion is horses and as a Zim polocrosse player, we thought what would be more fitting than doing it at the polocrosse field where they spend a great deal of time with Andys horse Heavenly Landing. Since they got together Karen has caught Andys fire for the game and has joined him in the saddle. 
I am overjoyed Karen has found the perfect man for her and someone who makes her so happy.